Tuesday, May 09, 2006

what language do you speak

Interesting story here, well I think it's interesting! This week a buddy of mine tried to set me up on a blind date, ok I figure, no harm in meeting new people. The young lady in question calls me on Thursday afternoon, everything seems fine she seems nice, asks a lot of questions, then the almighty faux pas come into play. Now for those of you that know me, have heard my accent, yes I have a british accent. When the female in question asks what kind of accent do you have? you sound like you are from Texas. WTF since when did a Texas drawl sound like an English accent? Now if you know me, you know that I have a pretty acerbic wit, and a pretty sarcastic tongue. I held my tongue on that last comment. Next ridiculous question to come my way was you lived in England? What language do they speak there? Ok i am trying to be nice and not insult a person the first day I am talking to them, but damn it is taking every ounce of self restraint to not let the sarcastic monster out. All I can say is