Monday, March 06, 2006

Pet Blogging Mondays

Ok I tried to take the same picture of Nanook with the chewed hat, only this time I ran him for three miles, and wrestled with him for another 15 minutes, just so that I could tucker him out in order for me to take the damn picture. So far Nanook has cost me two wallets $30, two xbox live headsets $40, two pairs of shoes 150$, countless hangers, one baseball cap 10$, a cell phone 100$, a loaf of bread $2, a chipotle burrito $5, box of cereal $4, two dvd cases $40. Happiness he brings me Priceless


Blogger Carly said...

awwww - too cute!

the cutest companions are always the most devilish.

i wish i had a dog to put a hat on, or an ugly doll.

3/07/2006 10:08 AM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

Adorable...being bribed with a rope on your head and some tasty treats....

that's hilarious!

3/11/2006 10:55 PM  
Blogger Phats said...

aww he is adorable. that hat is him.

3/15/2006 1:11 AM  

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