Friday, March 03, 2006

I miss my meat

Ok day 1 without red meat is over, I am sure that this will get easier as time grows by, but rt now I am fighting a monkey on my back, and the weekend is coming up also (the time I pig out the most) I have cancelled my Korean BBQ plans, and will instead will be dining at the always ever tasty Olive Garden, plenty of tasty pasta dishes, which dont involve red meat. I also will be having my second three day weekend in a row, gotta love teacher schedules.


Blogger AngieMD2007 said...

i'm with you. i'm already tired of both tuna (ate for lunch) and cheese pizza (ate for dinner) - blech!!

3/04/2006 4:58 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

I had a dream last night that you ate Nanook...

3/05/2006 1:56 PM  
Blogger Carly said...

ahhhhh - that's scary lbseahag.
i think nanook would be the one to eat the future. he's not on a meat-lent drive.

how is that going btw? it's sunday - did this weekend tempt you?

3/05/2006 2:26 PM  

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