Wednesday, October 05, 2005

No hablo espanol

I have had more students dumped into my classes, this time problem kids and two students who do not speak English, but hey we can do that Brown skin communication thing which white people don't know how to do. Ok you got me brown people do not have a secret way of communicating, but you would think so judging by the administration at my school. I also had a meeting about our most problematic student, and the great minds above have come up with a great idea on how to deal with this kid, let him do what he wants, and ignore him, because his behavior is a cry for attention, and when we respond to his behavior we give him attention. No shit his behavior is a cry for attention, but burying our heads in teh sand is not going to make it go away, we are sending the message that it is ok for him to act like a jack ass. The attention he needs is discipline, and lots of it. Have his family sit with him in classes, inconvenience her to the point where she starts to discipline him at home.
Minneapolis is one of the few places where you could use your AC and your heater in the space of hours, two days ago 80 degrees, today 41 degrees.
Oh and my background investigator contacted me, he wanted my address in England, the one from 13 years ago, so that he could run a check on me thru interpol. Good lord, these people are thorough. I don't think I have anything in my background which might concern interpol, well with the exception of being brown skinned, but again that is a rant for another day, ok here is a taste. Racial Profiling at the airport, does it or does it not exist.


Blogger Bat said...

Are you applying to a federal job? that sounds like one to me.

I wouldn't sweat the INTERPOL check.

Unfortunately racial profiling is alive and well in the United States -- in some instances you almost have too.

you look italian not middle eastern.

10/06/2005 7:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Airports - white people don't really notice it (at least this white person doesn't!). I guess you have to be non-white to feel things like that.
However if I was on holidays in a predominately non-white country I probably WOULD notice it.
I think it all depends on what the circumstances are at the time.

10/06/2005 10:42 AM  

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