Thursday, September 22, 2005

More rants and raves

Firstly I just want to say i love bars with wireless internet connections, i am sitting at a bar, having a drink, waiting for my food, and posting my latest entry. Isn't technology great.
Ok i am off the opinion that some people should not be allowed to drive, and have kids. Today I spy woman drive past me looking for a parking spot, as she passes by, i peep inside of her car, in there I see a baby in a baby carriage, this poor child ws not even strapped in, I was horrified, it is Idiots like these who are allowed to procreate, and I have problems just finding a girlfriend. This woman is looking around for a parking spot, when she drives right into a red truck! A RED FUCKING TRUCK, how do you not see a three ton vehicle in the most recognised color. She did not even stop to inspect the damage, she just drove away, no note, no explanation, nothing. I took down her details and left the info on the truck owners windshield. I hope karma catches up with this bad driving, poor excuse for a mother.
Next rant have you ever seent the seinfeld episode where, Jerry leaves his car with a valet, and the valet leaves a stench in the car. That happened to me today, I dropped my car off at the car wash, and after I picked it up there was the nastiest BO odor left in my car, to be honest I was not that mad, I mean the guy was obviously working hard, and it's notlike I couldn't open the window, I just found it amusing.
Not a rant. I just saw the funniest sign at the Uptown Theatre "Hellbent, the first gay vampire movie" I thought this ws hilarious, it brings up all types of jokes like where do yu suck the blood from? or what else do you suck? Its the little things in life that amuse me.


Blogger Phats said...

That seinfeld episode was really good!! that sucks it happened to you though.

So you were playing I spy? Okeh that just a joke that went bad before it started. Hopefully the lady will be caught and justice will be served! Da da da!

Gophers ready to get grounded sat? GO BOILERS

9/23/2005 2:06 AM  
Blogger Bat said...

Very cool you want to go into law enforcement, let me know if you have any questions..........


9/23/2005 9:44 AM  

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